Mindful Teens

June 10-14, 2024 from 1:30-3:30 PM at Warm Springs Care Farm

A camp for girls ages 13-17 to learn lifestyle tools to help them reduce stress and increase joy in their lives.

This camp will be teaching teens:

  • How to use breath practices to manage stress.

  • A form of meditation called Yoga Nidra that guides you into a deep restful and restorative state.

  • That we can use movement and sound vibration to shift our mental/emotional state.

  • How our minds work and how to manage them.

  • A healthy relationship with food. 

  • The importance of living in rhythm with nature by prioritizing sleep and practicing daily rituals.

Several things that we will do:

  • Make a vision board journal

  • Practice using the breath to regulate the nervous system

  • Make and enjoy healthy food together

  • Create a morning and evening ritual

  • Daily Yoga Nidra (yoga sleep)Yoga

  • Yoga Nidra

    This is a form of meditation that invites you to lay down, rest your body, quiet your mind, and receive the healing benefits of deep relaxation. This is the perfect contrast to the busy lives of most teens. We will practice this at the end of every session.

  • Nature

    Nature is healing and when you reconnect to her rhythms, you will feel more grounded and at ease. We will learn about and integrate how to create daily rituals that will help us to align with these rhythms.

  • Nourishment

    Consider what you consume through all of your sense organs, what you eat, watch, listen to, smell, and touch. All of these will impact your energy. You are the filter that gets to decide whether what you consume is nourishing to your well-being or not. We will discuss and experiment with the impact of screens, social media, music, news, and food on our energy.

We’d love to have you join us!

Mindful Teens Camp for Girls

Five days of learning and practicing self-care tips that will help teens thrive.

*There are no refunds once purchased unless I am able to fill the spot.