What Is Quantum Expansion?

The Quantum, according to physics, is described as the transfer of energy, or the study of energy and matter. I like to think of it as the energy field that is free from linear time where miracles and magic exist.

Expansion is the act or process of expanding.

Quantum Expansion invites us to expand our understanding and experience of playing in the field of energy where everything is created. We will learn how to tune into the wisdom of the chakras or energy centers in the body and use that alignment to manifest our thoughts, dreams, and desires into reality.

In this course, we will practice shifting our energy, by managing our thoughts and emotions, which will allow us to become an energetic match for all that we desire.

  • "The Quantum Field responds not to what we want, but to who we are being."

    Joe Dispenza

  • "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."

    Nicola Tesla

  • "The entire universe is conspiring to give you what you want."

    Abraham Hicks

I am excited to share more with you about this new 12 week group coaching course that I am offering.

The intention of this course is to help you IGNITE YOUR INNER SPARK and use that energy to manifest the life that you desire. I will be combining all that I have experienced working with Kundalini Yoga and the chakras (energy centers of our bodies), as well as the tools that I learned through my Quantum Manifestation Coach Certification.

My first course, Lifestyle Medicine, teaches you daily habits that take care of your physical, and mental health so that you can more easily align with the essence of who you are.  Your essence is energy and energy vibrates. By taking care of your body and mind, you are able to manage your nervous systems, which gives you the power to intentionally direct your energy towards what you want.

When you can choose your state of being (your frequency), you begin to play in the quantum, or the energy field that is free from linear time, where magic and miracles exist. When we play in the quantum field, we learn how to use our energy in the present to attract our desires towards us. This is how we manifest. We become an energetic match to all that we want in our lives.    

I would love to teach you how to do this!  After I started incorporating the quantum manifestation work into my daily practices, I felt everything shift. By activating my desires and living in the vibration of them NOW, I have felt my life expand towards a higher level of abundance, and joy that I always knew was possible.

Schedule a virtual tea with me to discuss your dreams & desires, & what might be blocking you from receiving those.

12 Weeks of Transformation

 The intention of this program is to help you IGNITE YOUR INNER SPARK and use that energy to manifest the life that you desire. 

Week 1: Introduction to the manifestation formula

Week 2: Reflecting on your spiritual journey

Week 3: Exploring the Root Chakra  & The Universes that we choose to live in 

Week 4: Awakening the Sacral Chakra & Your Desires

Week 5: Connecting to your Navel Chakra, your power, and the Archetypes that inspire your Purpose

Week 6: Opening the Heart Chakra, and Emotional Clearing

Week 7: Aligning with your Throat Chakra to access your Voice, your Truth and looking at your Shadows 

Week 8: Clarity at the Third Eye Chakra, seeing a clear vision, & strengthening your intuition

Week 9: Expanding the Crown Chakra and working with your Dreams

Week 10: Playing with the Electromagnetic Field of energy that surrounds you

Week 11: Relationship with Money/Abundance

Week 12: Closure & Embodiment of these concepts & practices

I’m Ready To Manifest the Life that I Desire!

You will receive:

  • Weekly Group Coaching Meeting

  • Private one hour Dream Clarity Session

  • 10 Yoga Videos to Activate the Chakras

  • Journal Prompts & Weekly Assignments

  • Tools & Practice for Quantum Manifestation

  • Deepen Your Knowledge & Experience with the Chakra Energy Centers

  • Inspiration, Support, & Accountability

*We will begin Sept. 20, 2024! We will be meeting via Zoom once a week on Fridays from noon to 1 pm MST

Quantum Expansion
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Quantum Expansion — Payment Plan
$300.00 every month for 3 months